September 18 | Everyday Spirituality Part 5: Traveling

Discussion Guide

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I hope that over time this allows us to learn and develop better guides and groups—ultimately for our discipleship and transformation in Jesus.

Thanks!  -David

About the Series

Most of us have a spirituality of the gaps. “Life with God” is what we do on Sunday mornings and perhaps before dinner or early in the morning before the kids walk up. But what about breakfast itself? What does it mean to live with God in the stuff of everyday life? That’s what this series is about.

Sermon Summary (5 mins)

No matter where you live in the world, we all travel everyday. Why?

We travel because we are limited to our bodies: Although God is present in every place and every time all at once, we are not. We are limited to our bodies and so we travel. 

We travel because we need to survive: We are not self-sufficient. We rely on hundreds, maybe even thousands of people who make everyday errands, living, and commuting possible. 

When we are on the road:

  1. We are vulnerable to the actions and sins of our neighbors, both intentional and unintentional

  2. We have no time. We rush from the past to the future without taking time to enjoy the present.

  3. We dehumanize people. Things we would not normally do, feel okay to do when we drive. We fail to see the humans to our right and left with stories, and dreams, and sufferings.

Good News: We can be a good neighbor when we travel because, no matter what happens on the road, Jesus has guaranteed a safe passage home. 

Ice Breaker Question (10 mins)

Which of the 3 points in the sermon (vulnerable, no time, dehumanize people) did you resonate with? Why do you think that is?

Scripture Listening Practice (15 mins)

Open up to Luke 10:30-37. Here is a short scripture listening practice you can do together. Instructions:

  1. First Reading

    • Explain: Someone in your group will read Luke 10:30-37 aloud. You will listen for which character you find yourself identifying with. You may allow for a time of silence after the reading.

    • Read: Have someone in your group read Luke 10:30-37 aloud.

    • Silence: Which character you find yourself identifying with? You may spend 15 seconds to a couple minutes here.

    • Reflect: As you are comfortable, share which character you identify with. You may comment on why you are drawn to this particular character.

  2. Second Reading

    • Explain: This time, imagine your daily commute or typical route when you are running errands. Imagine the roads, intersections you pass, any people, places, buildings you see on a regular basis. In your daily commute, what does each character in Luke 10:30-37 represent? Are you the same character as before?

    • Read: Again have someone in your group read Luke 10:30-37 aloud.

    • Silence: You may spend 15 seconds to a couple minutes here.

    • Reflect: As you are comfortable, share what came to mind. In your daily commute, what did each character in the passage represent? Are you the same character as before? Do you sense God drawing you to any insight or action?

Optional: Question for Further Discussion (10 mins)

For many of us, the daily commute or driving around to do errands is some of the only alone time we get. Is this true for you? If yes, how do you (or have you or could you) use this time as a part of your life with God?

Pray (10 mins)

Take some time to share prayer requests and pray for each other. If you haven’t created an ongoing prayer request text or email chain, you may choose to start one.


September 25 | Everyday Spirituality Part 6: Work, Pt.1


September 11 | Everyday Spirituality Part 4: Getting Ready