September 25 | Everyday Spirituality Part 6: Work, Pt.1
Discussion Guide
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I hope that over time this allows us to learn and develop better guides and groups—ultimately for our discipleship and transformation in Jesus.
Thanks! -David
About the Series
Most of us have a spirituality of the gaps. “Life with God” is what we do on Sunday mornings and perhaps before dinner or early in the morning before the kids walk up. But what about breakfast itself? What does it mean to live with God in the stuff of everyday life? That’s what this series is about.
Sermon Summary (5 min)
In the Bible work is a gift: an opportunity to bring life, beauty, and abundance—it is priestly service (Genesis 1-2). But it is also a troubled gift: it’s painful, it’s hard, it’s endless. It’s an opportunity for rebellion, oppression, and slavery (Genesis 3, 11, Exodus 1, etc.).
How can our work become a meaningful act of our life with God?
It begins not on Monday, but on Sunday in our worship. If you come to worship on Sunday and work is on your mind, that’s not a bad thing. We are invited to bring our work into our prayer and worship, engaging in:
Ice Breaker Question (15 min)
What is the main “work thing” that has been on your mind recently? Go around in a circle and share: explain the project/situation, talk about your role, share what about it is capturing your time and attention. (Remember: work is more than the stuff people do for money.)
Scripture & Prayer Exercise (30 min)
In this exercise or practice you are invited to discover words from the Psalms that you can take with you as you continue to engage the “work thing” you shared about.
Invite everyone to open their bible and this discussion guide ( on their phone so they can see the list of Psalms below.
Psalms Selections:
Praise: Psalm 8, 98, 146
Lament: Psalm 10, 13, 88
Confession: Psalm 32, 51, 130
Thanksgiving: Psalm 30, 100, 111
Petition: Psalm 28, 55, 143
Step 1: Select 1 of the 5 “Modes of Speech”:
Goal: Discover which “mode of speech” is most appropriate as you engage God with your work thing.
Review: The 5 modes of speech in the Psalms are:
Praise - “Yay God!”
Lament - “Why?” or “How long?”
Confession - “I’m sorry” or “Have mercy”
Thanksgiving - “Thank you for ____”
Petition - “I need you to…” or “Please do this”
Pray & Listen: Open the time with prayer, inviting the Spirit to guide and speak. Give a minute or two for each person select the mode of speech that they’re drawn to or that seems fitting.
Share: Take 30 seconds to go around and share which mode of speech you’ve chosen
Step 2: Discover a Prayer for the Week
Goal: Take time individually to read through the Psalms in the category you’ve chosen, allowing God to bring to the surface a word or phrase.
Make sure you have access to the list of Psalms below.
Each of you, on your own, will read through one, two, or all three of the selections that fit the mode of speech you selected.
As you read, listen for a word or short phrase that rises to the surface
Once you feel like there is a word/phrase that is staying with you, take a minute to pray it as it resonates with your current work thing
Everyone will have about 10 minutes to read and pray
If you have the space, you may invite people to spread out or go outside
If you’re with kids that are participating, you might choose to do this with them. In that case, after you break, you might read one of the Psalms out loud with them and ask them for a phrase that sticks out.
Pray & Listen: Once everyone understands the exercise, break for about 10 minutes.
Remember: You’re only reading the Psalms in the category you selected. And you don’t have to read all three, or even finish one! It’s better to slow down on the phrase that sticks out than to get through it all.Psalms Selections:
Praise: Psalm 8, 98, 146
Lament: Psalm 10, 13, 88
Confession: Psalm 32, 51, 130
Thanksgiving: Psalm 30, 100, 111
Petition: Psalm 28, 55, 143
Share: After about 10 minutes, come back together and share the word/phrase that you discovered. What is this word/phrase allowing you to say to God? What is God perhaps wanting to say through this word/phrase?
Step 3: Take it With You
Leaders, encourage your group: Is there some way to take this word/phrase with you and into your work this week? Would you like a reminder from a friend? Perhaps write it on a sticky or set it as your phone background. Maybe just commit to taking a deep breath and praying the word/phrase each time you sit down at your desk. Share any final thoughts.
Close in Prayer (2 min)
Invite someone in your group to wrap up the evening in prayer, asking God to inhabit the Psalms and be present in our work this week.