
Giving is a response to God’s generosity and grace.
Ways to give
Our online giving platform is a flexible and secure tool created by Planning Center. You can give by Credit Card, Debit Card, or ACH Transfer.
Give a one-time gift, or login to your profile and set up recurring donations on a weekly, monthly, or other basis. You can also download statements, and update your payment methods at any time.
In the App
Our Planning Center Giving tool also allows you to give via the Church Center app. Download the app, name Refuge as your “home church,” and login using your Planning Center email & password.
Give a one-time gift, or set up recurring donations. You can also manage your profile, pay for event tickets, or update your payment methods at any time.
Planning Center is used by over 50,000 churches and cares “deeply about the security and privacy of your data and protects it through TLS encryption.” Learn more about Planning Center Giving here.
By Check
Made out to Refuge Church
Checks written to Refuge Church will be added to the General Fund spent discretionally, according to our annual budget, and supporting the mission of Refuge Church.
To make a one time gift to a unique or need-specific fund, note the fund name on the check. Click here for a drop down of current open funds.
Mail to: 4801 Montaño Rd NW Albuquerque NM 87120
Why we give
Why give? How much? Where does it go? All of these are important questions and we don’t usually have a good avenue to begin the conversation.
If you are interested in giving but are not sure where to start when it comes to thinking about it, check out this sermon.