September 11 | Everyday Spirituality Part 4: Getting Ready

Discussion Guide

For the Leaders

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I hope that over time this allows us to learn and develop better guides and groups—ultimately for our discipleship and transformation in Jesus.

Thanks!  -David

About the Series

Most of us have a spirituality of the gaps. “Life with God” is what we do on Sunday mornings and perhaps before dinner or early in the morning before the kids walk up. But what about breakfast itself? What does it mean to live with God in the stuff of everyday life? That’s what this series is about.

Sermon Summary

When we get ready in the morning we have to come face to face with our bodies. When we get ready:

1) We get out of bed: 
When our bodies ache, we can get up in hope that one day we will have new bodies, we will stretch our arms and legs like children, and have no pain. You may choose to re-read 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

2) We brush our teeth / self care: 
We have a chance to care for our own materiality as if it’s truly gift of God. We can thank God for our physicality and the pleasure of being a body in a physical world. You may choose to re-read Genesis 2:4-7

3) We look in the mirror: 
Odds are we don’t often like what we see. We can ask God to give us eyes of love, not of comparison. Through his eyes of love we can see ourselves as a “strong, beautiful, mysterious instance of his creativity”. You may choose to re-read Song of Songs 2:1-2

4) We get dressed: 
At this point, if we got out of bed in hope of the resurrection, if we cared for our body in joy, if we looked at ourselves with eyes of love, then maybe we can dress in whatever we want. In the hope, joy, and love of God, we are ready for the day. We no longer need to compete in the status game, we don’t need to prove ourselves. We are ready to take our eyes off ourselves and direct them toward the people around us. 

Questions for Discussion

  1. Icebreaker: What is your morning routine? What is something odd/silly/quirky about how you get ready in the morning?

  2. Which of the 4 parts of the getting ready routine above do you tend to think about most or struggle with most? Why do you think that is?

  3. Based on your answer to question 2, what encouragement or good news might God want to speak to you? How could you possibly work that good news reminder into your morning routine this week? How might you invite God into your morning routine?


Take some time to pray for each other, that each of us would get ready in the hope, joy, and love of God this week.


September 18 | Everyday Spirituality Part 5: Traveling


August 28 | Everyday Spirituality Part 2: Dreaming