Justice, Pt 8: Contextualization

Read this Teaching Recap

Over the next three weeks in the Justice series, we are distilling what we’ve explored so far into guiding values for Justice & Mission for us as a church and as a people. This first week was contextualization

To contextualize means that we don't bring our pre-conceived notions of who people are or assume their needs, but instead, we listen, learn, and love in the name of Jesus according to his example and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Listen to the People. God has already been present working and speaking for decades, generations. If we don’t listen we might show up with great intentions, but disrupt what God is already doing there.

Learn the Culture. Pay attention to the dirt. Land, dirt, space is part of God’s creation. We ask, “What existed in this space before my house, school, or business?”

Love the Neighborhood. If we attempt to love people “in general,” we come up with “solutions” but often miss our actual neighbors. To love our neighbors we first have to know who they are—we have to listen. When we move in love toward our neighbors, we’ll end up loving the neighborhood too, because every neighbor comes in a neighborhood. 

When we talk about contextualization, we can’t forget our Savior who was in the neighborhood, unknown for 30 years before starting ministry. He sought no alternative but to move into the neighborhood to be God with us. 

Do this Practice Tonight


Try this opening exercise: Close your eyes and mentally take a walk down your street and around your neighborhood. Visualize the people, places and things that stand out to you. Recall a recent significant or ordinary conversation you had with someone in your neighborhood. Recall a moment where you noticed God was present. Write this down and/or share this with the group.  Practice “listen, learn and love” within this sharing moment.

Next, let’s take some time as a group to reflect on what you heard and noticed in listening to your own story or another person’s story. You may want to write these down to offer in prayer at the end of our group time.

Question and response.

From the sermon, were there any values or statements that felt new? What did you learn? Feel free to glance at the Teaching Recap to spark thoughts.

What ideas resonated with you? How so?

What idea do you find yourself either resisting or most challenged by?

Is there a Scripture passage you were drawn to spend more time with this week? 

How might God be calling you to respond? 

Read the Practice for the Week

Take a prayer walk through your neighborhood asking the Lord to reveal something you have been missing.  If you get a chance to engage with a neighbor, ask them if they are okay. Let them know you see them and spend sometime listening to their story. Commit to praying for them one day a week or daily, be led of the Lord. 

Close in Prayer 

If you noted anything within “Imagination” section, give voice to this and offer it in prayer.



Justice, Pt 9: Wholistic


Small Group Check In