Small Group Check In

About this Week’s Guide

This week’s Sunday teaching took a break from the Justice series for time thinking about Small Groups, community, discipleship, and life with Jesus. We encourage you tonight to take some time as a group and discuss around the primary question, “How are we doing as a Small Group?”

Our goal as disciples: Being transformed through life with Jesus

How are we being transformed through life with Jesus?


Markers of the structure of Small Groups:

  • 8-12 adults

  • weekly gathering

  • nearby home

  • meal, sermon discussion/exercise, & prayer

  • run fall to spring

Markers for spiritual community mentioned in the teaching:

  • Safe

  • Committed

  • Centered on Jesus

  • Spiritual, not over-spiritualized

  • Practice-Oriented

  • Outward-Moving

Use the reflection and prayer time below to check in as a Small Group, and connect honestly about how you are doing and how God might be inviting your group to take a step forward.

Reflection & Prayer (40 min)

Note for the Leader: We encourage you to try to facilitate a discussion that moves through the four elements below (reflections, celebrations, invitations, prayer). This may mean moving faster through certain pieces, slowing down for others. Invite a pace that seems appropriate. 


Begin your time with these questions, listening to and with one another:

  • How are we being transformed through life with Jesus? Are there ways you see God is reshaping your imagination in life with Jesus? 

  • What have you noticed as you look back on the past months within our small group times together? What are some things you’ve learned from being in community together?

  • Share some of the challenges.

  • What are some areas of growth you have noticed in your life with God from spending committed time in small group community? 


  • What are some things worthy of celebrating together? Remember the beauty of small things.  


  • What are the commitments we offer one another from being in a small group together? 

  • How might God be inviting us to grow in this season going forward? 

  • What might be some invitations of healing in your life with God and/or one another?

Before moving forward to prayer, it may be worth writing down any commitments or invitations that are resonating in the group. Then consider sharing these in a text, and/or mentioning them at the beginning of your next gathering as a reminder.


  • Offer prayers of petition for your going forward. Offer prayers of thanksgiving and celebration for all that God has done within your life together in community.

Practice for the Week (10 min)

Spend some time prayerfully reflecting on your personal relationship in “Being with Jesus.”  As you go throughout your week try exploring some form of creative expression as a way of giving voice to your relationship with Jesus. You may choose one of these suggestions, or find another: 

  • If you enjoy journaling, write with honest reflection

  • If you enjoy art or crafting make a collage, painting, drawing or some form of illustration

  • If you enjoy poetry, write a poem 

  • If you enjoy taking pictures snap photos 

  • If you love music, listen to a favorite song or write your own song to the Lord

If you are comfortable and willing, bring these to your small group to share next week!



Justice, Pt 8: Contextualization


Justice, Pt 7: Justice & Social Issues