Winter Term: Week 2
About This Term
During this term we are inviting each small group to step into the practice of mission by serving alongside one of our partners or another local organization working for the good of the city. You can find a starting list of organizations on the JAM page of the Refuge website. For this reason, some weeks will not include a sermon discussion guide, but will instead give you space to plan together.
Entering Conversation
As you transition from your meal time to talking together more purposefully, take a minute to come to quiet. Ask for a volunteer to read Psalm 146 aloud. Allow for a brief moment of listening and then read it a second time, listening for what is revealed about the heart of God.
Lead your group in a time of prayer, asking God to give us hearts like his, willing and wanting to serve those who are in need of help. Ask, too, for the help of the Spirit as you discern together how to serve. Give thanks for those who are actively working in our city for the common good and pray that God will bless and protect their work.
This week you should be ready to talk together about potential organizations to serve with. If not, it may help to prompt members to pull up this email and link into the JAM page to review the list again. If you need direction, the following questions might help you filter opportunities:
Is there an organization near us?
Is someone in our group connected already to a group it might make sense to partner with?
Do you have a particular passion/interest in the work of a group?
If these questions don’t produce an obvious direction, explore the conversation with your group however seems best. And also, remember that your group has freedom to find other ways, other partners, other opportunities to serve together.
By the end of your time together, hopefully you have narrowed the list down to 1-2 organizations. Ask someone to reach out to the organization during the week, to find out what opportunities are available for your group. Keep in mind it might be that only some of your members will be able to volunteer onsite. Others may support by providing childcare, gathering resources, praying, or other practical ways. If you can finalize your plan by/at your 3 rd meeting, you’ll be in good shape to serve before the end of the term.
Practice for the Week
Take Psalm 146 into your week. Maybe set a reminder to read it in the morning or over a lunch break or some other time of quiet. Keep asking God to help you love as He loves. Look for opportunities throughout the week to show kindness to someone you don’t know.