The Gospel of Mark 13:1-37
Note: In addition to the sermon-based discussion and practice tonight, please take time to discuss and confirm details about the Spring term! Instructions are below at the end of this guide.
About the Series
(Leaders: You may skip this portion of the recap if desired.)
This week we are continuing the teaching series in the Gospel of Mark. In this book, we follow along with the life of Jesus, a first-century rabbi from Nazareth, filled with God’s power and authority, going about healing, teaching, calling disciples, and proclaiming the gospel: “the Kingdom of God has come near” (1:15).
The Gospel of Mark is designed to present Jesus to the reader along with the question, “Who do you say that I am?” (8:29). Just like Mark’s original audience, readers today are invited to answer this question for themselves, and to accept the invitation to follow Jesus—to spend time with Him, learn from Him, and do what He does.
Sermon Recap
“If the world were ending today, what would you do?” In Mark 13, Jesus prophecies the destruction of the Temple. The disciples want to know, “when will these things happen and what will be the sign?” (13:4). Jesus speaks to their questions, giving them general warnings and signs, and then moves to discuss specific events in history.
Mark’s “little apocalypse” seems to not have been initially interpreted as the end of the whole world. Jesus prophecies about the destruction of the Temple, and indeed, it is destroyed by the Romans destroyed in 70 AD. Jerusalem was devastated. There was deep suffering and pain. People were grieving and hurting and afraid. Extra-biblical sources, however, do confirm that some people heeded Jesus’ warning and fled from the city.
Jesus in this scene, pulled back the veil and declared the hope to come for those in devastation. God’s presence—come down from heaven—is the end of the story. Jesus, the Son of Man, came to serve, suffer, and to stand for those who are faithful. And he will come again. This is good news. Jesus can meet us in our most desperate experiences. He can help us in our unbelief and be present with us us in our grieving. When the whole world is coming to an end—or just our world as we know it—we can have hope that the Son of Man walks with us now and will one day restore all things. Come Lord Jesus.
Practices for Tonight
(Leaders: Before going into the questions, you may want to give your group a minute or so of silence, reflecting on and listening to the Spirit around the question, “What is Jesus inviting you to notice tonight?”)
Tonight we are going to use this set of questions to guide our discussion. (You may want to pull up the guide on your phone to help you process and reflect.)
What stands out to you from Sunday’s teaching? What has been staying with you that you’d like to share?
Consider the opening question, “If the world were ending today, what would you do?” What was your initial response when first hearing this? How has your response shifted or stayed the same after hearing the teaching from Mark’s gospel?
Can you remember a time in your life when you deeply resonated with the prayer, “Come Lord Jesus” or one similar? Share how this phrase or one like it has brought you comfort or even resistance?
How does knowing Jesus personally as the one who came to serve, suffer for you (us), and to stand for you (us) bring good news to your life today?
Practice For The Week
Spend some time this week praying for those persecuted around the world for their faith in Christ. Take time giving thanks for your place in times of tribulations and sufferings. Here are a few links to guide your time praying for the persecuted believers around the world:
What’s Next for Our Group?
(Leaders: Please discuss the following at your gathering and/or send this guide info out to your members this week.)
Winter Term Ends: Week of March 10-16
Spring Term Dates: April 7 - May 25 (7 weeks)
What to do during the break?
(Leaders, here are some suggestions for how to spend the “break” between small group terms)
Option 1: Complete break. Easter holiday, need a rest, need time for discernment about family involvement.
Option 2: Plan 1-3 Casual Gatherings. Have a game night, go to Main Event, cook together, etc.
Option 3: Meet weekly. Eat meals together, break from formal discussions, continue sharing prayer requests, etc.
Spring Term Group Formation
Checklist for Returning Leaders
(Leaders who are planning to lead again in the next term)
Communicate your plan to lead again to your group and to Melanie
Term Dates: April 7 - May 25 (7 weeks)
Members check your calendars, we ask you to commit to participate each week of the term (barring sickness, etc.)
If you can’t commit to the next term, that’s okay! There will be a spring term as well.
Pre-registration is March 10-23 (for returning members to the same group)
Checklist for Leaders Not Returning
(Leaders who are not planning to lead again in the next term)
Communicate you will be stepping out of leading (to your group and to Melanie)
Is there a person/couple/family in the group interested in leading?
If yes, offer to connect them with Melanie (
If no, communicate that Open Signups for Spring Term Small Groups will be March 24 - April 7