The Gospel of Mark 7:24-37
Sermon Recap
(Leader and/or facilitators read aloud each portion below)
About the Series
This week we are continuing in the Gospel of Mark. In this book, we follow along with the life of Jesus, a first-century rabbi from Nazareth, filled with God’s power and authority, going about healing, teaching, calling disciples, and proclaiming the gospel: “the Kingdom of God has come near” (1:15).
The Gospel of Mark is designed to present Jesus to the reader along with the question, “Who do you say that I am?” (8:29). Just like Mark’s original audience, readers today are invited to answer this question for themselves, and to accept the invitation to follow Jesus—to spend time with Him, learn from Him, and do what He does.
This week we look at Mark 7:24-37: two stories which show us that (1) “There’s enough of Jesus to go around” and (2) “Jesus does everything well.”
In Episode 1: Faith & Puppies, we learn about a desperate mom, who through “word of mouth” hears that Jesus is in town (Tyre). She comes to Jesus, begging him to heal her daughter, but Jesus responds by calling the woman a dog! But perhaps Jesus’ response is more like a set up or test—something like, “I bet you don’t know what 2+2 is…” knowing all the while that she does know the answer. This, at least, is how the rest of the interaction goes. The woman responds, proving her faith in Jesus, and her understanding that there is, in fact, enough of Jesus to go around! In addition, in the way Jesus goes about this, he gives this voiceless woman a voice and makes her into the teacher of the lesson. Grateful for this woman’s faith and insight, Jesus heals the woman’s daughter.
In Episode 2: Ephphatha (meaning “Be opened”) Jesus again is on the run and trying to hide, yet he can’t. People hear that he is in the region and bring him a deaf and mute man. Jesus heals this man in private, meeting him where he’s at. Jesus goes on to use the senses this man does have (touch and taste) in this interaction, looks up to heaven, sighs a deep sigh, and with the word “Ephphatha,” he is healed. Then, even though Jesus told the people not to tell anyone about this healing, they couldn’t help but proclaim the news and worship. “They were astounded beyond measure, saying, “He has done everything well” (7:37).
Practice For Tonight
(Leaders: Before going into the questions, you may want to give your group a minute or so of silence, reflecting on and listening to the Spirit around the question, “What is Jesus inviting you to notice tonight?”)
Tonight we are going to use this set of questions to guide our discussion. (You may want to pull up the guide on your phone to help you process and reflect.)
What stuck out to you from Sunday’s teaching? What has been staying with you that you’d like to share?
From the stories in Mark 7:24-37, which character do you resonate with or relate to most (the Syrophoenician woman, the daughter with the unclean spirit, the deaf/mute man or his friends, the disciples, Jesus)? Why do you think that is?
“There’s enough of Jesus to go around.” How is this good news to you? In what way or area of your life does this encourage you? In what way do you struggle to see this as true?
Is there a certain area of your life where you are longing to have Jesus fill and satisfy your hunger with good things? What do you think that would look like? What would be different?
We are going to close in prayer. Let’s take a few minutes to offer any prayers of petition and/or gratitude that came from our conversation. (Leaders: Before you pray, you may decide to go around the circle and have each person put their prayer requests/thanksgivings into 2-3 word phrases.)
Practice for the Week
Spend some time this week reflecting on your baptism story. You may wish to journal a description of your story or draw a picture (suggestion for the children). At some point in your week, share your baptism story with someone in your group. Celebrate who Jesus is in your life (present, past, and future)!