The Gospel of Mark (Chapters 1-7:23)

Recap with Practices For Tonight

(Leader and/or facilitators read aloud each portion below)

Reflect. At the beginning of the Gospel of Mark series, we were presented with a number of reflective questions: 

  1. What is the job of the preacher if not to change people's minds? 

  2. Are there foundational beliefs I may have to let go of? 

  3. Who’s in charge of my life? 

Take a moment of silence to ask yourself “How is this going?”  Then when you are ready write down a word or phrase in response to one or each of the three questions just read.

As we continue reading through the recap:

  • Notice what Scripture(s) from Mark’s gospel are still coming to life for you.

  • What stories or scenes come to remembrance? 

  • What encounters have stayed with you? 

  • What is God drawing your attention to at this moment?

(Leader: Continue by reading aloud these recap highlights) 

In the opening verses of the Gospel of Mark, John the Baptist is the messenger who is sent by God to proclaim Jesus is coming from Nazareth of Galilee. Jesus is then baptized in the Jordan River by John. After this took place, John faded into the background. 

Mark’s gospel writing is different from Luke, John, and Matthew. Mark chooses his words carefully to describe scenes calling our attention to Jesus’ ministry.

In Mark’s biography of Jesus, we see the work of the Holy Spirit.  “What is Good News?” We get to encounter Jesus and hear Him say “Follow Me” and so much more: Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit; Jesus heals and casts out demons; Jesus is the resurrection.

In the gospel of Mark, we have been invited into Jesus’ ministry with the Good News of the Kingdom of God: 

  • Jesus seeks out disciples to learn the way of being with Him and with others

  • Jesus proclaims to us the nature of God’s kingdom that it starts on the outside in, from the edges of power, not at the center but instead in the shadows

  • Jesus looks into the heart erasing the lines of clean and unclean

  • Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit 

  • Jesus heals and casts out demons 

  • Jesus’ kingdom invites us to participate in both now and His not yet

  • We are reminded the Good News is that Jesus is the Christ  

  • We get to live a lifestyle where Jesus is our King  

Share. Let’s take a moment on our own to scan through some of the passages in the gospel of Mark 1-7:23. As you do, read through the four questions below. When everyone is ready, we’ll each take 2-3 minutes to share our thoughts.

  1. What scene, Scripture passage, or encounter with Jesus has been helpful in your current life?  

  2. In what way has this series or the hearing of the Gospel of Mark been forming or transforming you in this season of your life with God?

  3. How are you experiencing a life of Good News? Are there ways you are living in joy and fullness of the good news?

  4. Is there an invitation to respond with change in your thinking or not? If so, what might God be inviting you to “change your mind” about or not? 

Close your time in prayer. You may wish to offer praise for what God’s has been doing, requests for the things you are in the midst of, and thanksgiving for the things to come. Together end with “Your kingdom come, Your will be done” or the full Lord’s Prayer.

(Leader: After you pray together, before you start cleaning up, read the Practice for the Week (below) and remind the group of details for the next week (host home, meal details, etc.))

Practice for the Week

Praying the Psalms.

Choose a Psalm to offer in your day (morning, mid-day or evening) as prayer to the Father like that of Jesus.  As you read the psalm, invite a pause between phrases that are resonating with you in your present moment and listen for the Father’s love, His voice, His touch. Enjoy sitting in His Presence.

Psalm suggestions: 

Psalm 40

Psalm 46

Psalm 121

Psalm 123

Psalm 141


In The In-Between, He Restores My Soul 


Small Group First Week’s Guide