The Gospel of Mark 1:21-28
Sermon Recap
Mark 1:21-28
In the Gospel of Mark, we are offered this opening question, “What is this?” With this, our attention is first captivated around today’s modern conversation about generative AI and chatgpt, which then leads us to Jesus’ biblical conversation in Mark asking “What is this? A new teaching with authority.”
In reading the passage in Mark 1:21, we are invited into the scene where Jesus is in Capernaum on a common sabbath day. He and his disciples are in the local synagogue with others who came to hearing lay people teach, and not at the temple which was in Jerusalem. On this day, Jesus is speaking and the people were astounded at his teaching. Jesus taught with authority not like the scribes. This authority is only attributed to Jesus for it was supernatural. His words have a warmth, energy and a power, they are close to the Source, they are Divine and a new teaching. Jesus rebukes the unclean spirit in a man showing miracles of an exorcism and healing.
In asking “what is this” it is helpful to look at the Biblical and Modern Imagination, and notice What is Essential:
Biblical Imagination clues us in on metaphor which looks beyond the words themselves to see the message conveyed, for example in Genesis 3:1 a serpent is talking. When noticing metaphor, we are clued in to ask what is the nature of the snake? Is it an idea, a concept, or a full and living being, is it both or something in-between? The Biblical authors experienced realms of physical and spiritual relationships where God is ruler, King of all of it, over powers and principalities. Jesus was experienced as healer and exorcist. We see in this passage of Mark the unclean spirit obeys Jesus.
Modern Imagination, a post enlightenment thinking has a problem with much of the biblical imagination. What troubles us about physical and spiritual relationships? The obstacles of productivity, problem solving, media and entertainment where supernatural is of ‘super heroes’ instead of favoring spirituality and Jesus. Maybe “We have been enchanted out of an enchanted world.”
What is Essential? In Mark’s biography of Jesus, we see the work of the Holy Spirit, not a teaching convincing us of demons and unclean spirits. Rather, we get to ask the question what is this “new teaching”? Or asking another way, what is Good News? Jesus is the resurrection. We get to encounter Jesus and hear Him say “Follow Me” and so much more.
Practices for Tonight
Reflect. Share. Discuss. Spend time this evening focusing on the Good News of Jesus with one or more of these offerings:
What words or phrases from this passage in Mark 1:21-28 is resonating with you? How is this interaction with Jesus good news to you? How might God be calling you to respond?
What do you find helpful in noticing the Biblical and Modern Imagination? Are you noticing any challenges or areas of tension? How does this comparison help you see the good news of Jesus’ new teaching with authority?
Is there anything in our current culture you find yourself asking “what is this”? (Like AI or like Jesus’ listeners did) How might God being calling you to listen to His voice and follow Him?
Practice for the Week
Listen to your preferred version of the Revelation Song and/or spend time meditating on the lyrics below and offering this time as prayer to the Lord.
Worthy is the, Lamb who was slain
Holy, Holy, is He
Sing a new song, to him who sits on
Heaven's mercy seat
Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
With all creation I sing
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything
And I will adore You…