Easter Reflection

Sermon Recap

Witness of Jesus

This week’s invitation gives time and space for us to linger with Jesus in the joy of His resurrection within our lives today. Jesus’ resurrection was witnessed and also experienced. As we heard in Sunday’s Easter teaching there were five hundred witnesses and the oral traditions of the ancient past kept the story of Jesus Christ alive. The witness and with-ness of Jesus has become part of our own story today whether in firm belief, the emphatic doubt of unbelief or of people who are “in the middle” with “Yes, I believe, yet some days’ are harder to comprehend.”  These places of our minds and hearts still remain a part of the Easter story, Jesus is with us and we are witnesses of His redemption.  

Practices for Tonight

The invitation is to be with one another and see Jesus’ resurrection life in one another.  Here are a few offerings for your time together and/or use your time as the Spirit leads:

  • Gather around the patio or fire pit sharing your own faith, and baptism stories being a witness to one another and testifying to Jesus’ love and care.

  • Spend some time sharing God’s answered prayers giving voice to His work in your lives together.  Then, share requests and pray for one another.

  • Spend your time together playing a yard or indoor game celebrating resurrection life! 

Practice for the Week

Read and reflect on Jesus meeting his disciples on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection, use the *image below and one of the following passages of Scripture describing this significant moment: Luke 24:13–49; Mark 16:12–18; John 20:19–21:25; Matthew 28:16–20.

After some time to meditate, you may consider the questions:

  • Imagine yourself walking the road with Jesus, what might have this been like for you?

  • How might you be feeling about what you saw and heard?

  • What questions would you and a companion be asking or discussing?

  • How have you been noticing Jesus meeting you in the day to day moments of life?

  • What is the hope you are being invited into more deeply with Jesus?

*You may wish to do this with your children, if so here’s a coloring page of the Emmaus road to print, and/or another image from an African artist Gloria Ssali.

Pray. *Offer a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord.


JAM: Rwanda Relationship Story 


Holy Week