May 1 | Genesis Part 8

Discussion Guide

Lot & Melchizedek

May 1 | Genesis Series Part 8


In Genesis 13 and 14 Abram returns from a “detour” in Egypt and gets back on track—not just geographically by returning to the land of Canaan and building an altar, but in Abram’s relationship with God.

From here, Abram’s story of growing trust continues. He trusts God with the promise of land when he lets Lot decide what land to inhabit. And Abram trusts God to fulfill the promise of protection when he goes after and takes on the bully-kings of the Fertile Crescent. 

Even at the end of Genesis 14, when Abram has an inter-religious interaction with Melchizedek and his God “El Elyon,” Abram does not condemn Melchizedek or really even correct him, but uses the name El Elyon as common ground to share about his covenant with the LORD, God Most High (Yahweh, El Elyon). 

For Abram and for us, it is possible to get back on track in the journey of faith. When you’ve gone down to Egypt. When there is cursing rather than blessing. When there is relational discord, and you can’t tell if you’re the victim or the victimizer, or, more than likely, somewhere in-between. The plot keeps moving on, and you can too. It’s possible for you to get back on track because no matter where we go, God goes with us.

Questions for Discussion

  • Oftentimes faith is described as a leap—a giant outward act for God that seems to go against all reason. Moving across the country. Or across the world. Of course, at times faith can be like this. But in our story, Abram’s faith is found in his attention to the present, to his relational obligations, and his trust that God will handle the big things, the future. How do you tend to see acts of faith? As giant leaps, or everyday obedience? Or has your life been made up of both? Share a story that comes to mind.

  • In times of conflict, some people gravitate toward blaming the other person for everything, and some people gravitate towards putting all the blame on themselves. Do you tend toward one way or the other? How do you think your personality or upbringing play into this dynamic?

  • Is there a relationship in your life (with God or someone else) that you feel has gotten off track? The promise from Sunday’s sermon is that no matter where we go, God goes with us. This week, how could you invite God into the step-by-step journey of getting back on track?

Close in Prayer

Before you end your time, pray, asking for the Spirit’s presence in the big and small stuff of life. Take some time to pray for other prayer requests as they come up.


May 8 | Genesis Part 9


Genesis Part 7