May 29 | Genesis Part 12

Discussion Guide

Sacrifice of Isaac

May 29 | Genesis Series Part 12


As modern readers, we bring to this story a different set of questions than the original ancient audience: What kind of God would ask for this? Is God commanding child sacrifice? Isn’t this in conflict with everything it seems God cares about?

The original audience would have been familiar with child sacrifice as a practice in the broader near east—used in emergency situations to try to get a god’s attention. And so the original audience would not have heard this story as God asking for child sacrifice, but rather as God clarifying that he indeed does not require it. 

Would God test you like this? We don’t think so! This particular test was tied to the promise given to Abraham. God promises that through Isaac there would come a nation that would bless the world. God asks Abraham to trust God even when the command seems to threaten that promise.

Perhaps for us, this story is an opportunity to understand the sacrifice of a Father and a Son because they “so loved the world.” Perhaps through this story we can say: “Now I know” the love the love of God, that he did not spare his Son for my sake.

Questions for Discussion

  • Even if God would not ask us to sacrifice our own children, do you think God still tests us in some way today? Why or why not? If yes, what is the testing for (what is the purpose)?

  • If you answered yes to the first question, can you remember a time where you feel like God tested you? What was the test? How did you respond? Looking back on it, do you feel like the testing had a purpose? Share the story that comes to mind.

  • Depending on your personality, past experience, etc. it may be difficult to match the concept of testing to the loving, gentle character of God. We associate tests with mean teachers, or coaches, or drivers ed. How could our understanding of God’s character inform how we see what testing is rather than the other way around? If appropriate and you have time, re-reflect on the stories you shared with this in mind.

Discussion: Summer Rhythms

If you didn’t last week, please take a few minutes tonight to have a short discussion on your groups rhythm for this summer. The Genesis series will continue through the end of June, and discussion guides will be provided. During July and part of August there will be a Psalms series, and David will create a generic template for that series. Then we will start back up with a series called Everyday Spirituality on August 21st.

  • Do you want to continue meeting each week? Change up the rhythm for summer? Take a break altogether?

  • Do you want to schedule any events? Park nights, BBQs, trips, etc.?

Leaders, please email David your groups plans.

Close in Prayer

Before you end your time, pray, asking for the Spirit’s presence in the big and small stuff of life. Take some time to pray for other prayer requests as they come up.


June 5 | Genesis Part 13


May 22 | Genesis Part 11