November 6 | Everyday Spirituality Part 12: Watching TV

Group Guide

Follow up on the practice from last week (10 min)

When it came to your relationships with neighbors, what was the one small “next step” that you felt God was calling you to take last week? How did it go? Take a few minutes to share your experiences and reflections.

This Week’s Sermon Recap (5 min)

Other than sleeping and working, Americans spend the most time watching TV. Watching TV allows us to (1) escape mentally and enter into a (2) better story than our own, all in less time with no stopping cues to help us know when it’s time to move on.

The underlying issue: most of us are exhausted and need true rest.

Jesus says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

True rest is not an escape but trust. “Jesus realizes that the most restful gift he can give the tired is a new way to carry life” (Dale Brunner). Jesus offers a promise: as we walk through life he will shoulder our load, slow us down, help us go at his pace, and breathe life in us. As we trust him we’ll “learn to live freely and lightly.”

True rest is not a new story but delight. God delights in us. Even in the moments where we wish to escape our own story, God willingly enters into it. He hopes that we will stumble into him in the most ordinary of moments. And one day there will be no more pain or need for distraction, we will delight in God and his eternal rest. 

Discussion (30 min)

Question 1: Read Matthew 11:28-30 again. Why do you think Jesus uses the imagery of the yoke as a solution for those that need rest? What do you think it looks like for a follower of Jesus to say “yes” to this invitation?

Question 2: What does your typical evening routine look like? How do you most often spend the time between dinner and bed? 

Question 3: What are some tried-and-true things (experiences/practices/relationships/foods/etc.) that fill you with gratitude and help you to delight in life and in God? What would it look like to try incorporating one of these into your leisure or times of rest?

Practice for the Week (10 min)

What is one small step that you feel God might be calling you to take in the next 7 days. Spend an evening screen-free? Invite some of your community over for a movie night? Try going to bed earlier each day? Schedule time to get under a blanket with a good book and a cup of tea? Go around and share that next step.

Prayer (15 min)

Take prayer requests and spend some time praying for each other.



November 13 | Game Night


October 30 | Everyday Spirituality Part 11: Walking the Dog