Easter Sunday

Discussion Guide

Easter 2022

April 17

Note for the Leader

Happy Easter! He is risen! In light the Easter celebration, and also the break in the Genesis sermon series, consider changing up this week’s small group rhythm. In the sermon Ryan said, “Our shared life together is how Jesus becomes more present and more real to us.” So this week, grill out. Meet at a park. Play a game. Celebrate the resurrection through laughter and time together.

Below are a few discussion prompts to guide your time. If you are unable to get to the questions this week because your game goes too long or whatever, that’s okay!

Discussion Prompts

Share your journey of faith

  • Do you remember when the gospel first clicked for you or you first met Jesus or first decided to become a Christian? Share that experience.

  • In the sermon, Ryan shared four ideas about faith: (1) Faith is Cognitive, (2) Faith is Visceral, (3) Faith is Vulnerable, (4) Faith is Personal. In your faith journey so far, which aspect has been easier or come more naturally? Which has been more difficult? How does your upbringing, past experience of Christianity, or your personality play into this?

Remember your baptism

  • Share your baptism story. How old were you? When and how did it happen? What brought you to decide you wanted to get baptized? What was the experience like? If you were baptized as an infant, what was it like growing up, thinking and talking about it with family or church community? If you’ve never been baptized, what have you thought about the practice?

Seeing Christ at work through others

  • As you have been sharing stories as a group, is there a story/experience/thought that someone else shared that encourages you in the season you are in right now? Tell one another.

  • If you have been encouraged or feel like God has spoken through the story of another, and if you have capacity, get together with that person in the next week or so. Grab a coffee or go for a walk and share more of your life stories with one another.

Close in Prayer

Before you end your time, pray, asking the Spirit of God to fill and empower you. Take some time to pray for other prayer requests as they come up.


Genesis Part 7


Genesis Part 6