November 20 | “Am I Still A Christian?”

Group Guide

This Week’s Sermon Recap (5 min)

This week’s sermon is definitely one you’ll want to go back and listen to if you missed it. Pastor Ryan shared his thoughts and reflections around the question “Am I Still A Christian?”

It is not ultimately the church, experiences of the past, or the absence of doubt that keeps us moving forward, but it is because we remain captivated by Christ. In short, it is because of the Gospel.

Good News Implications of The Gospel

1) We are not our own. The comfort of the Gospel is that Jesus is Lord, not us. This frees us from the burden of having to construct, maintain, and own our own identity.

2) We are reconciled to God in the present. In both our victories and in our sufferings Christ can draw near and we can know him. Our present pain can be an avenue to commune with Christ because he reconciles the world through suffering.

3) There will be a final reconciliation in the future. To believe in heaven is to believe that the story of the universe is not a tragedy, but that it has a happy ending. One day God will be “all in all” (1 Cor 15:28) and it will feel like being loved. Like there has been someone haunting, pursuing, claiming, loving us all along.

Discussion & Exercise (30 min)

“Am I Still A Christian?

Silence. Take a moment to sit with this question in prayerful silence. Begin listening for what words or phrases follow your  “yes” “no” “I don’t know” “maybe”... responses. Maybe even journal or write these down. Hold on to these for sharing later on or as the conversation invites.

Read. Review the Colossians passage 1:15-20 (CEB) (maybe have one or two people read portions aloud). As you listen, notice any phrases, declaratives, or images from the passage that speak to your life with Christ or why you are a Christian.

Share. Invite your group to share what is resonating or standing out in this passage.

‘Not Reasons’ and ‘Reasons’

Reflect. Take a moment to think on or jot down your own list of  ‘not reasons’ and ‘reasons’ related to the question, “Why am I still a Christian?” (Remember there are no right or wrong answers to your own story) 

The one’s shared from Ryan’s story were:

Not Reasons

  • Church

  • Past experiences of God

  • Absence of doubt


Offer time for those who desire to share one of the ‘not reasons’ or ‘reasons’ from their own list. As sharing happens, feel free to leave a moment of prayerful silence space between each person’s sharing so as not to challenge or comment.  While listening to one another’s sharing quietly hold one another in prayer. 

Practice for the Week (10 min)

As you were sharing, if the perspective/experience/thoughts of another person stuck out to you or resonated with you, consider inviting that person for a coffee or walk in the next couple of weeks. Spend the time sharing your stories in relationship with God, current struggles, hopes and fears.

Prayer (15 min)

Take prayer requests and spend some time praying for each other.



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